Monday, 7 May 2007

Pony under control for once!

Ruth and Blazey Boy had another fine time today, going round the Junior Open. Unfortunately, the fun fences (in top woods) were ruled out of bounds as the rain had made the going too sticky, but this didn't stop them having a ball. Unfortunately (and a little unusually!), Ruth had so much control through the timed section that she was able to collect his canter and in so doing managed to go much too slowly! Surprised? Yes, we were...but still placed. 5th we think. Good pony. Next outing for the twosome is Mattingley on the 20th. We will report back in due course.

1 comment:

Ruthie said...

Very impressed! I was judging the last jump and caught Ruth and Blaze at the start and the finish - they were certainly on top form!