Well, it's official. Fox can do it when he's got a good XC pilot on top. Thrilled mum stood by and watched as Fox clocked up 30 for his dressage. Fab job Wendy! And again in SJ when the pair successfully navigated a SJ course that took its toll throughout the day due to heavy going and a technical, full-up course. Fox just had one down. They then proceeded to XC where with much aplomb and with much verbal encouragement from Wendy, they sailed round the course to finish clear and inside the time.
As for Blaze, no pilot error on the XC this time... but a little waver on the dressage course saw that phase end on a score of 36. Same as Fox on the SJ. 4 faults at the same fence... a true parallel where Blaze just did not seem to see the front rail. A dash round the XC course and on track for a placing, only to be dashed when 6 time faults were awarded... for going too fast!
Huge congratulations to Helen and Rebel for their placing first time around. I'm going to tell every event organiser to put them in a different section!!!!
All good fun. See y'all soon!