Hi everyone.
Well we are the new kids on the block and felt very welcome in the livery tack room on Saturday.
Jessica 8 years old and mum Sam would like to say hi along with Teddy our 13hh section b gelding. (i'm sure you have met).
We are very new to this. Teddy is our first ever pony and we are both a bit anxious and excited at the same time!!
Please feel free to say hi if you see us in the yard and we are very open to any advice you might have for us. We felt it safer to have Teddy at Wellington, first to get all the help and advice new owners crave and also for Jessica to continue her lessons here.
Here are some Photo's of Teddy and Jessica!
Hi - Welshies rule OK. Love the Section D crowd, that's Kosmo (Alex's pony), Hugo (absent friends in the US's pony) and Blaze (Ruth's pony). This is Ruth and Blaze's mum - Pip and also proud owner of the skewbald chap, Fox. Hope you all settle in well.
Welcome - methinks Geoffrey has some serious competition in the cuteness stakes now .
Welcome aboard the Wellie Blog!
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