Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Advanced Medium Dressage - freestyle to music

The qualifier for the Area Festival took place on Monday and Wellie was well represented. Just for those folks over the pond, here's David and Theo's test.



GavinB said...

You are great, thanks so much. It is wonderful to see all of the boys hard work come to fruition... role on Sept.

Diane said...

Have tried to add some pictures of Mondays show (see above post!) but my stupid computer wont let me for some reason! Will try again later.

Anonymous said...

For someone who last night admitted he 'wasn't in the zone' doing that test and forgot bits of it ( not that anyone would know - such is the joy of freestyle ) he didn't do a bad job did he . No pressure of course although all the staff were happy to stay late on Monday to watch .