First of all, many thanks to Bambers family for letting us share their box!

When we first entered the warm up arena, Clara was rather exited, and pony's were charging past us, so she decided to put in a few bucks and have a little canter, but after that she thought it's not that exiting and settled down for the clear round.
Unfortunatly, we did not get a clear round, but the judge felt sorry for us and gave me a rossete anyway.
It was now time for the 2'3, where we had 1 refusal, and I forgot the course.
After a break, we decided to give the clear round anouther try, and this time we did get a great clear round!
Then we attempeted the 2'6 (which looked more like 2'9) where we had to refusals at the first fence. Then we got goin rearly well, but then Clara took one look at a large spread and said no. So we were eliminated from that class.

Overall, we had a great day, and I am very proud of Clara being so calm.
Well done Clara - sounds like a fab day out!
Horay and well done - keep it up.
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