Sunday, 23 December 2007
Brian and Claudius
The champagne bottles were popping chez Chappell(-Simms) after two great rounds with Claude.
Friday, 21 December 2007
Fancy Dress Pairs - 20/12/07
Thursday, 20 December 2007
Dog and Dobbin

Monday, 17 December 2007
Say goodbye Hugo

All good things come to an end....
Hugo has left Wellington Riding to move to pastures new just outside Tadley. Georgina has promised that she and Hugo will be returning to compete in as many unaffiliated Dressage competitions as possible as this always was their real passion... ok perhaps just the hunter trials!
See you all soon, you can't get rid of us that easily.
Sunday, 11 November 2007
New Chick on the Block
Only arriving on Saturday morning Lexie soon introduced Bounty to life on the Yard with a lesson on Saturday and Sunday.
There seems to be a lot of pink and purple so having a boy first this is a little of a shock.
Friday, 9 November 2007
Fancy ribbons all round!
I can be found grinning from ear to ear with a 2nd place rosette, but Lucinda is grinning even more with a 1st place! Woohoo!
Well done Lindo and Geoffrey - you are superstars!
Wednesday, 7 November 2007
The wedding of the year!

Sunday, 4 November 2007
The return of Mrs B!
She's back and Wellington Country Park very kindly put on fireworks in her honour!
Friday, 2 November 2007
Pride comes before ...

Wednesday, 31 October 2007
May I introduce.....

Sunday, 21 October 2007
We are not worthy!
Well done Caroline and Fly!
Friday, 12 October 2007
Show jumping report
Geoffrey and I gave it our best shot - we had one down and although we didn't try some of the tight turns we had a great time! But Brian and Claudius showed us how it's really done and came home with a 3rd place!
Well done Brian and Claudius! (Please Mrs Chairperson, can we bump them up to the next league?)
Wednesday, 10 October 2007
Munchkin meets Geoff Billington
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
Geoff Billington
Click this link for a video:
(P.S keep watching until the end for proof that Geoff rearlly did ride Munchkin!)
Sad News
So sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but its best you all know.
Run free in the great paddock in the sky Wills xxxx
Thursday, 4 October 2007
Who'se hiding at the back ...
No prizes for guessing who will be going first every time from now on !
PS - offenders were Ruth and Geoffrey .
Sunday, 30 September 2007
Hippopotamus discovery at Wellington
Friday, 21 September 2007
Sleeping beauty
We popped round to say goodnight to Claude the other night and found him flaked out (must have been due to Mr Sheerin's XC session). It was a bit dark, so not much to see, but turn the sound up to get the full effect. (Sounds just like Brian.)
Brian and Claude's first dressage test
Thursday, 20 September 2007
Hunter Trials
Friday, 14 September 2007
Thursday, 13 September 2007
Fame at last!
Tuesday, 11 September 2007
Claude meets Geoff Billington
The other riders had some pony troubles which had Geoff leaping on-board to "realign the brakes", it never ceases to amaze me (and make me realise just how much more there is to learn) when a talented and experienced rider gets on someone elses troublesome horse... and the horse turns into the best behaved beast for miles! I've seen it with many of our instructors and all of our guest instructors (and John Sillet) and am filled with admiration every time. Once the maintenance was complete all three of our party took to the course and sometimes landed on the right canter lead! Even Claude while being hampered by me pulling the wrong way.
Nevertheless, we discharged ourselves admirably (in my eyes at least) and great fun was had by all!
Now looking forward to the next visit... we're already booked in, don't miss out, get booked in, you'll kick yourself if you don't.
Monday, 10 September 2007
Sunday, 9 September 2007
The Amazing New Dressage Test
For Horses Unsuitable for BD or Classical!
1. A. Enter at ordinary serpentine.
X. Sprawl. Salute.
2. C. Stop dead. Stare in horror at judge and shy to left.
Continue at ordinary working gallop.
3. E. Stagger left 20 or 15 or 22 meters in diameter circleor pear shape or five pointed star. Avoid excessive crossing of legs.
4. K. Begin to halt.
Z. Keep trying.
F. You can do it.
B. Pull rein. Give up. Continue at out of hand gallop.
5. H. Regain right stirrup.
Continue at ordinary trot, bouncing.
6. MKT Change rein. Free Walk loose reins. Remove horse from judge's luncheon table. Ask judge for leg up.
Jump back into ring.
7. Z. Turn down centre Line.
Halt. Grin. Scratch. Burst into tears.
Leave area at free walk on long reins, loose language.
Beech Hill Hunter Trials

Hollie and Munchkin did their first Hunter Trials today along with Alison and Cara. After walking the course yesterday, Hollie and Alison were highly excited this morning when we arrived at Beech Hill. Hollie and Munchkin set off very well clearing the first four jumps (at a sensible speed!). Then Munchkin ran out at jump number 5 and slipped on the wet grass and Hollie somersaulted over her head! They were 'technically disqualified' as Munchkin's shoulder touched the ground. Both were given the once over and were fine, though a little disappointed they couldn't continue. Alison and Cara had a more successful round, completing the course with some refusals which sadly also meant elimination. It's tough this horse-riding business! However, all four had a good time and it's all good experience(!)
Clara's first outing!

First of all, many thanks to Bambers family for letting us share their box!

When we first entered the warm up arena, Clara was rather exited, and pony's were charging past us, so she decided to put in a few bucks and have a little canter, but after that she thought it's not that exiting and settled down for the clear round.
Unfortunatly, we did not get a clear round, but the judge felt sorry for us and gave me a rossete anyway.
It was now time for the 2'3, where we had 1 refusal, and I forgot the course.
After a break, we decided to give the clear round anouther try, and this time we did get a great clear round!
Then we attempeted the 2'6 (which looked more like 2'9) where we had to refusals at the first fence. Then we got goin rearly well, but then Clara took one look at a large spread and said no. So we were eliminated from that class.

Overall, we had a great day, and I am very proud of Clara being so calm.
Geoffrey has new neighbours!

Thursday, 6 September 2007
Theo's big night
There were loads of photos and video taken of the well polished pair that will be making its way onto the blog so everyone can see what a fantastic job Diane did of preparing both Theo and David.
Wednesday, 5 September 2007
Geoffrey and Maggie's dressage report
Maggie Mae did a great dressage test narrowly missing out on a 6th place fancy ribbon. There was much jumping involved and a showing class to finish off the day. Important lesson learned here - showing is boring, don't try it kids.
Tuesday, 28 August 2007
My early birthday present!
So, here are mine and Clara's new XC colours!
Sunday, 26 August 2007
Saddle Club Jump Cross
Over 800 photos taken so hopefully some good ones of everybody somewhere.
PS Huggy and I had a ball jumping parts of the course this morning under David's watchful eye. My stirrup leather breaking as I landed after the double was interesting to say the least.
Video posts.
Personally, I'm going to spend the rest of the evening trying to find the most embarassing videos I can!!!
Wednesday, 22 August 2007
Across the pond
Monday, 20 August 2007
Hugey Poogey!
Sunday, 19 August 2007
Fun in the field
So, the thing to do after you have been hosed off and covered with fly spray, is to remove said fly spray with a good roll...Tommie Tom demonstrates!
If at first you dont succeed....

A sneaky one of Caroline and Mr Fly!

...and after the event - someone looking pleased with himself if a little tired!
Thursday, 16 August 2007
Tommie Tom buddies up - it's dark you know!
Tuesday, 14 August 2007
Advanced Medium Dressage - freestyle to music
Monday, 13 August 2007
WSC combined training report
I think we got 7 out of 10 for the jumping. So all in all, a successful evening. The Wellie livery crew were on form - Pip and Fox took home second place in the open league; Nadia and Maggie and Charlotte and Paddy all had good rounds too.
Here's some shots from our recent lessons. You see we can do it rather well when the adrenalin and nerves aren't pumping!
Saturday, 11 August 2007
The Out-takes
Not wanting to give away the chosen music or the moves from the test, I've put together a video of out-takes to keep you all going.
Clickie here!
Thursday, 9 August 2007
Pics of Theo!