Apart from the fact that it was freezing (especially for those of us that had a four hour wait between the dressage and SJ - thanks BE!) a really good day out was had by all the Welly gang.
Congratulations go to Philly and Snip who won their section, Colleen and Cammy who came second in their section and a fantastic result for Ruth (who was far too modest to mention it in her blog below) who came second in her section at her first ever BE event with the wonder pony Blaze who was easily the smallest pony there. Well done all of you!
Hugo and I managed not to totally disgrace ourselves in the dressage but still not our strong point - SJ fast and furious with one down but a great XC (which is really the point to the whole thing as far as Hugo is concerned).
Here are a couple of photos of Hugo and Cammy at the last fence followed by that final gallop for the finishing line.
Full results can be seen at BDWP for those that are interested in the final scores.
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