Monday, 19 March 2007

Unaffiliated show jumping

A good livery yard turnout - Well Bamber was flying in the clear round and the early classes showing great promise. First up in class 2 came Jane and Hogan closely followed by Sophie and Fella who gave the winners a run for their money.
Fella returned in class 3 to come in an equal 5th with Hugo with four faults a piece and big grins all round.
The the commentary now from Ruth and Brian class 4 went to Cammy having found all the sweet spots on the course. Gavin and Hugo took a more conservative route to come home in 6th place. This 2'9" class also saw Bianca and Maggie and a late entry from Suzie B and Tilly.
Once again a great afternoon with plenty of smiles that even the sleet and hail could not wash away. Full results are on the Wellington website with more to come from the BSJA affilliated show jumping.

We need more photos!

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