Monday 2 July 2007

The rain held off ...

With rain causing the cancellation of many local events yesterday 's unaffiliated show jumping had a lot more entries than originally expected . Maybe due to our jumping and warm up being indoors !!
With John away at Hickstead the course design fell to Mandy with Wendy riding Geoffrey to check lines were okay . Brian , Ruth and Caroline did the commentary / judging bit and I was the arena steward with help from the Browns - why do competitors also knock down the fences furthest from the door ?
Home crew did themselves proud with Kate winning the 2'9'' class with Pip second ( having taken a brave line in the timed section ) and Amy ( on Tilly ) in 6th . Tracy showed us what super jumping horses Christopher and Huggy are and proved the well known fact amongst clients that horses know when instructors are on board ...
Well done to Brian and Claude who had a go at the 2'9'' after I'm told, an exciting time in the warm up .
Pip and Fox then went on to win the 3'0'' class in style .

By the way - it didn't rain all afternoon !


GavinB said...

That sounds like a wonderful afternoon, well done all.

Was John competing at Hickstead?!?

Anonymous said...

John and Louise went to Hickstead to support Geoff Billington - who won the Derby with a clear round and one time fault .

Weather was okay on Sunday but earlier in the week competitors (including Sarah Elmslie ) had to have their lorries towed into the car park.

Lindo said...

Good news is though that Sarah has been selected. Elaine has to get her sewing needle out now and sew the union jack onto Sarah's jacket and numnah.